21 March 2006

Feel the Love

Today on the 21st March is Harmony Day for Australians. It's the 1 day out of 365 where Aussies are expected to get along in a friendly manner. The other days are all left to drunken mateship. To live in harmony for just 1 single day is hard enough for anyone. Which brings me to a funny little story.

Three years ago, a student at our local high school was being bullied and laughed at by fellow students. She came home early from school one day crying and depressed. Having seen enough of the abuse her child was suffering, the mum stormed into the school where the bullying child's parent was picking her kids up from school. Not knowing how to handle the situation with good communication skills, the fed up mum exploded from her passive behavior of putting up with her child's pain to starting a fight with the offending child's mum.

That's not very funny at all, but what was funny was a major Brisbane television station covered the story and drew the link to Harmony Day as the incident occurred on that day. Anyway, it was funny to me. I guess you just had to of seen it.

So what caused the mum's explosion? Not knowing every little detail of the situation but having a general understanding of similiar reactions, such volcanic outbursts will occur when feelings are shut. Eventually the emotions keep adding up in a tank until it overfills and then the outburst occurs. The explosive emotions can even be released on the most innocent person.

To learn more about how to correctly release yourself without resorting to a good ole fist fight, I suggest you check out assertive vs aggressive communication. Such poor communication skills can result in fights that provide fun entertainment for others to watch, but not a solution to the situation. You need to learn how to assert yourself even if not doing so doesn't result in fights. Otherwise you will be bottling yourself up or at the other extreme hurting other people.


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