30 March 2006

Start Improving Your Communication Skills

You're at this site for one reason. So let me ask you, why do you want to improve your communication skills? What started that desire? Many people begin learning about communication as a result of not wanting to have arguments. They are tired of fighting with family or business collegues over matters that mean nothing.

How many times have you argued about what t.v. show you want to watch? What about who does the dishes? I'm 100% guilty of these things. These are stupid little things in life that take away our enjoyment. I realized that it doesn't have to be like this and so my journey learning about communication began. Others learn the skills because the very few people who have excellent interpersonal skills are sought after from employers who are willing to pay big $$$.

Once you see that arguments (one of the many areas in communication problems) can be better handled and the amount employers spend on providing communication training, I believe you too will begin to see the power in improving your communication skills.

That's what I want you to realize today. Your everyday interactions with family, friends, and that little invisible green friend on your shoulder, can be better by improving these skills. Don't settle for normal relationships or even poor ones. You can have great relationships and with the people you know today! If you are interested in having great relationships in business, with family and friends, or with anyone, you can do so by signing up to my free newsletter.

Let your desire or the reason you want to learn about communication, grow into a passion. As with anything in life, if you don't have passion, you pursuit is half-hearted. With half-hearted effort comes half-results and from half-results, you lose the motivation to continue improving your communication and eventually you give-up. Remember why you want to improve your people skills. Because you want your life to be better. Jump in and learn about this stuff and you'll never regret you made that choice.


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